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Scientific Chairman of the 402 Steel Symposium


Call for Papers

Scientific papers must be original, having novel and useful impact on the steel industry. Moreover, a new section is devoted to papers derived from industrial steel experts, accepted after being refereed as technical reports. All papers and technical reports must be prepared in accordance with the conference specified format, available on website. Please mail three hard copies of your paper, accompanied with a CD containing the electronic file of your paper in Microsoft Word 2010 or later format. The manuscripts can be alternately emailed to the following address:

Acceptance of papers will be announced after the approval of referees.  Furthermore, outstanding papers will be selected for publication in the International Journal of Iron and Steel Society of Iran.



In addition, the latest industrial and research achievements in the steel industry will be exhibited simultaneously along with the “Steel Symposium 402” event. All domestic and international companies are welcome to attend the exhibition. For more information, please contact: +98 2177682858.


Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline                 July 23, 2023

Paper Acceptance Notification     September 21,2023

Registration Deadline                     October 2, 2023


Steel Symposium 402 Conference Topics:

Green steel production solutions

Challenges of Green Steel production

Employment opportunities in green steel production

How to replace green steel production technology with current facilities

Technical knowledge, required equipment and staff training in the green steel production process

The role of green steel production in costs and  efficiency

The role of green steel production in employee health, environmental protection, reducing water consumption, reducing greenhouse gases and energy consumption

How to use H2 instead of fossil fuels in green steel production

Equipment in the supply chain to produce green steel

Methods of increasing innovation in employees in order to accelerate green steel production

New findings in the fields of production and use of new steels

Modeling and simulation of steel production line processes

New findings in the fields of iron extraction, physical and mechanical properties and structural changes, melting and casting, forming, corrosion, surface and coating, welding of steel products refractory materials and …

Registration Fee:

Registration fee for the Steel Symposium 402,

including  proceeding (Flash memory) and

refreshments during this event.  

The payment shall be paid in cash at the arrival to the symposium.


Iron and Steel Society of Iran (ISSI) is proud to hold the 25th Iranian steel conference entitled “Steel Symposium 402” on 24-26 October 2023 at Kish International Convention Center, in Kish Island the Pearl of the Persian Gulf, Iran.

Researchers, scientists, academicians, and industry experts are welcome to present their latest research achievements and technical experiences in this symposium. The aim of annual steel symposiums, held by ISSI with the collaboration of steel companies and universities, is to create a proper environment for communication between scientists and experts on existing challenges and future

developments in the steel industry sectors. “Steel Symposium 402” will be held under the theme of: “Green Steel”. Therefore, the authors are requested to submit their original research papers, preferably based on this theme.

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